Roland Mainz wrote:

Ben Rockwood wrote:
 If there are any further issues, annoyances, requests or general
Genunix comments please, as usual, address them to Al Hopper and/or myself.

Is it possible to get a mailman list to which the diffs (gdiff -u) of
the changes are posted (similar to a CVS commit list most opensource
projects have) ? Yes, I know... there is the RSS feed - but that
requires special machinery (e.g. RSS client), has no archive (mailman
has all the postings archived) and does not allow easy searching (mails
from mailman can simply be searched in your local mail folder (or

This could greatly help tracking down malicious changes, allows quick
reactions when the spambots attack again (well... emails from commit
lists are usually near realtime... :-) ) and even allow better
communication within the community (e.g. it would be possible to comment
on diffs and debate them...).
This sort of thing will be more plausible in the future when a proper SCM is in place and each individual putback/commit is made, rather than the current en mass drops. A variety of mechanisms will grow up around the infrastructure.

That said, in the meantime, your free to undertake such a task as you propose now, yourself. This is a community, feel free to contribute.

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