>James Carlson wrote:
>> As for strMANYcat, the operation seems sort of obvious and somewhat
>> useful, but I wonder how often in real, well-written code this
>> situation actually comes up _and_ snprintf isn't a better answer.
>Umpf. See my original posting. My intention was to improve performance
>and usuability. |snprintf()| would make it slower. MUCH slower.
>And: snprintf() may be evil - see Mozilla.org Bug 332006
>(https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=332006 - "Avoid raw calls
>to snprintf").

Except that that bug is wrong:

        snprintf does not promise to null terminate the result buffer. 

was never true on any OS I know of.

It would be useless if it were truee.

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