Bill Rushmore wrote:
Anyway, back to the important question......why isn't
anybody talking about audio? (I don't care if it's
OSS drivers or Sun drivers or drivers).
Audio is a multibillion dollar business - Apple,
Microsoft, Yahoo, Google and Cisco are all into audio
and minting money, why not Sun?

My guess is that Solaris is still pretty much a server OS and most of the time on Sparc. That is changing where Solaris is more than a desktop for the truely "hardcore" on just Sun hardware. Things like audio as big issues will follow.

From a practical standpoint, as a software developer
(and mass email reader, sigh) what I really need from the
audio subsystem is music, GUI sound effects and perhaps VOIP.
Once in a great while I'll play some video game on my
Solaris box - neverball, flightgear or quake.

So, my sound framework should give me:

1) automatic software mixer support
2) two channels of stereo sound (two speakers + sub, headphones, etc)
3) support for additional sound I/O devices like USB headsets.

So far, if Solaris has the right driver, my sound needs are
largely satisfied.  If I was an audiophile, I would want more - but
then, perhaps something more like extigy or other USB-connected
audio gear would be appropriate along w/ custom drivers, apps, etc.

Maybe I'm missing something - if so, what?

- Bart

Bart Smaalders                  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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