Erast Benson wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-03-31 at 15:36 -0500, Chris Ricker wrote:
> > On Fri, 31 Mar 2006, Roland Mainz wrote:
> > > My personal complaint is that they stuff everything into /usr/bin/. Unix
> > > had some kind of "namespace" support via the elements in ${PATH} so
> > > having package groups seperated into /usr/dt/bin/ (CDE), /usr/kde3/bin
> > > (KDE3), /usr/xpg4/bin/ (XPG4 personality) and so on is a much cleaner
> > > approach than stuffing everything into /usr/bin/. Same applies to
> > > ${MANPATH}&.co. There is no real way anymore to set/override/disable
> > > things since it's now all in /usr/bin/. In my experience as an
> > > adminstrator with many users (who all have different requirements) this
> > > design is VERY VERY bad in real life.
> >
> > 1000s of programs in /usr/bin sucks, but it does offer two benefits over
> > the Solaris "shove everything in a different obscure dir" style:
> may I ask what is wrong with 1000+ programs in /usr/bin ? As far as
> performance is concerned, this directory usually cached out.

At filesystem level - yes. At shell level you likely hit both
performance and usuability issues (see below).

> What else?

about "namespace" seperation issues.
And then there is the simple problem that such a giant amount of entries
in a directory is no longer really manageable by users. Just try
filename or command completion in bash with such an amount of entries
and you end-up with nine pages (assuming 132x25 terminal) of "choices"
even for the letter "s". That's really no longer managable by normal



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