Keith M Wesolowski wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 04:19:43AM +0200, Roland Mainz wrote:
> > > One option would be to write a patch which changes all scripts within on
> > > from
> > > -- snip --
> > > #!/bin/sh
> > > -- snip --
> > > to
> > > -- snip --
> > > #!/bin/env sh
> > > -- snip --
> > > which would then pick-up the first occurence of "sh" in ${PATH}. Would
> > > this be an acceptable change ?
> >
> > Keith/Casper: Would that be OK for you ?
> In your testing workspace, sure.  In ON, no.  We want fewer things to
> depend on your PATH, not more.  Otherwise you end up with mysterious
> failures where things work fine for everyone else.

I just checked it - the "bldenv" script resets ${PATH} to a predefined
value. Unless someone expliclity resets ${PATH} to another value this
will not cause any problems (yes, the ${PATH} set by "bldenv" includes
"." (=current directory) - but that entry comes AFTER /usr/bin/ (where
"ksh" and "sh" are picked-up) so this will not cause problems either.



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