bash-3.00# ls -al *samba*
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         134 Apr  6 08:40 network-samba:default.log
                                                                HERE IS THE LOG 
The log files
bash-3.00# cat network-samba\:default.log 
[ Apr  6 05:32:14 Disabled. ]
[ Apr  6 05:32:14 Rereading configuration. ]
[ Apr  6 08:37:51 Disabled. ]
[ Apr  6 08:40:52 Enabled. ]

bash-3.00# svcs -vx                                  HERE IS THIS OUTPUT 
svc:/application/print/server:default (LP print server)
 State: disabled since Thu Apr 06 08:37:50 2006
Reason: Disabled by an administrator.
   See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-05
   See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 1M lpsched
Impact: 2 dependent services are not running:

svc:/network/samba:default (SMB file server)
 State: offline since Thu Apr 06 08:40:52 2006
Reason: Unknown.
   See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-AR
   See: man -M /usr/sfw/man -s 1m smbd
   See: man -M /usr/sfw/man -s 4 smb.conf
Impact: This service is not running.

svc:/network/swat:default (swat)
 State: maintenance since Fri Apr 07 09:18:15 2006
Reason: Restarter svc:/network/inetd:default gave no explanation.
   See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-9C
Impact: This service is not running.
When I try to create a samba user - I GET THIS 
adding a existing unix user in the zone, gets similar output as well !!!

bash-3.00# /usr/sfw/bin/smbpasswd -a sambauser
New SMB password:

Retype new SMB password:

smbldap_open_connection: Secure connection not supported by LDAP client 
Connection to LDAP server failed for the 1 try!
smbldap_open_connection: Secure connection not supported by LDAP client 
Connection to LDAP server failed for the 2 try!
smbldap_open_connection: Secure connection not supported by LDAP client 
Connection to LDAP server failed for the 3 try!
smbldap_open_connection: Secure connection not supported by LDAP client 
Connection to LDAP server failed for the 4 try!
smbldap_open_connection: Secure connection not supported by LDAP client 
Connection to LDAP server failed for the 5 try!
AGAIN------------------- This still remain the same.

bash-3.00# svcs -l samba
fmri         svc:/network/samba:default
name         SMB file server
enabled      true
state        offline
next_state   none
state_time   Thu Apr 06 08:40:52 2006
restarter    svc:/system/svc/restarter:default
dependency   require_all/error file://localhost/etc/nsswitch.conf (online)
dependency   require_any/none svc:/network/loopback (online)
dependency   require_all/none svc:/network/physical (online)
dependency   require_all/restart file://localhost/etc/sfw/smb.conf (online)

ANY CLUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Nil
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