Dennis Clarke wrote:

I recently adopted a "style" of doing things that may be "Linux like" and
thus a bad thing in the strict UNIX world.  I began to put my root user in a
home directory of /root along with all of the dot files that get created for

PSARC 2003/039 Alternate home directory for root user.  Filed
by me for me because like you it bugged me all the crap that appears in / by it being root's home dir; though I punted the implementation of it to someone else.

Sadly though not yet integrated but should be coming soon, IIRC.

the root user.  Like the .sunw directory which seems to appear out of

See pkcs11_softtoken(5) for what is in there.

 Certainly .profile and ( *gasp* ) .bash_history !  I really do not
want to see these things all over my / area.  I was recently told this is a
very "bad thing" and that it harms the way vipw works.

It did.

I never heard of
vipw, certainly not since Madonna was still making hit records, on vinyl.

        Or am I mistaken here ?   Old fashioned and confused ?

Neither the person telling you that didn't know about:

6317935 vipw forces root login directory to /

Darren J Moffat
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