Al Hopper wrote:

>On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Eric Lowe wrote:
>>Peter Buckingham wrote:
>>>There was some discussion about having a more technical mailing
>>>list/community ala freebsd hackers/lkml/...
>>>Was there any progress made on that? I'm definitely interested in
>>>discoverying/learning more about the internals of Solaris.
>>It has been discussed, but there is some grumbling that
>>opensolaris-discuss is still OK for this kind of discussion since we
>>haven't reached the threshold of pain yet as far as traffic. There has
>>also been a fair amount of this type of traffic on opensolaris-code,
>>although that list should be going away soon...
>I would like to propose a highly technical kernel related mailing
>list/project - name TBD (chosen via discussion) per the original (failed
>community) proposal by Eric Lowe.  Essentially I am proposing the "Eric
>Lowe" project/list of his behalf or by proxy, if you will.
>The list would be a moderated list to ensure that the signal to noise ratio
>is maintained over the long term.  This would be our first OpenSolaris
>moderated list and it should be considered an experiment that will be
>successfull or unsuccessfull based on the number of active participants,
>the quality of the postings and the ability of the moderators to ensure
>timely postings and to refer off-topic posts to other, more appropriate,
>unmoderated, lists.
Excellent idea Al, this could become a very useful low noise technical

>PS: I will also make myself available as a moderator for the proposed list.
We should have a couple of moderators in different timezones to keep
discussions alive.


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