Hello Jan,

Friday, April 14, 2006, 2:31:00 AM, you wrote:

>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > Reading from the HDD is killing GUI performance on
>> > the iMac, it seems...
>> > >  
>> > 
>> > There's an (supposedly dangerously) hacked ata
>> >  driver floating around
>> > hat makes this work OK. Please contact me off-line if
>> > you'd like a
>> > copy of it. The bug that covers this is:
>> > 
>> > 5031379 Toshiba MK6021GAS falls back to pio on HP
>>  Your offering Juergen Keil a dangerous closed driver on an open solaris 
>> list.
>> Now what's wrong with this picture?

JSE>  The ata driver in question is open:


JSE>  The source to the hacked driver however is another story. The
JSE> developer who implemented it left the company (Sun) before putting it
JSE> back. So it's not closed-source as much as it's lost-source.

JSE>  Also, the offer is open to anyone willing to risk their data to such
JSE> a driver. The consequences of getting the arbitration on the single
JSE> DMA buffer wrong aren't potential, but guaranteed massive
JSE> unrecoverable data-corruption.

JSE>  So, do you want a copy? Keep in mind that YMMV.

The bug id is the one I submitted - I used this 'hacked' ata driver on
my laptop for quite some time and must say it worked ok (no data loss,
etc.). However it stopped to working somewhere around b35 I belive
(couldn't load a module due to unresolved symbols) - it wasn't a big
deal for me anymore 'coz I got a new notebook and with this one ata
driver works ok out of the box.

So do you offer new recompiled version or the old binary since it
might not work anymore...

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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