What do people think about this? I just saw it on some OSNews story I was 
reading (don't cane me please..)


Maybe somebody would be interested in working with the guy to analyze the 
situation and determine the cause of the performance disparity? That's a pretty 
big leap in performance considering Solaris really *should* be #1 on the 
hardware designed by the same company who writes the OS. ;) I realize it might 
be a bad test or some such, I just found it interesting. Maybe people (with the 
technical knowledge/know-how) should start approaching people who do 
comparisons like this one, and determine the root cause. If it's an actual 
issue with Solaris, then it could be reported and used to better Solaris itself.

I wasn't sure if this belonged here or in performance, because this is more of 
a "something people should consider doing in general" type post than a "setup X 
beat setup Y, what's the technical reasoning" type.

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