Hi, my name is Junke
I'm using BEA tuxedo on solaris9, but I am facing the problem as following :

CC      -c -g -I/export/home/oracle9i/product/9206/precomp/public  
-I/export/home/ocs/bea/tuxedo9.0/include  -ltux -lbuft -lfml32 -lengine 
-lpthread -lnsl simpserv.c
"simpserv.c", line 38: Warning: String literal converted to char* in formal 
argument 1 in call to userlog(char*, ...).
1 Warning(s) detected.
buildserver -o simpserv -f simpserv.o -s TOUPPER;       
ld: fatal: file simpserv.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to simpserv
CMDTUX_CAT:1832: ERROR: can't execute cc -xarch=v9 -w  -mt  -I$TUXDIR/include 
-o simpserv BS-6a20.c  -L${TUXDIR}/lib simpserv.o  -ltux -lbuft   -lfml -lfml32 
-lengine -R/usr/lib/lwp -lpthread -lposix4 -lsocket -lnsl -lm -lnsl -lsocket 

the server information is :
SunOS ocssid 5.9 Generic_112233-10 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V490
and Tuxedo9.0
Could you plz let me know how to resolve it?
thanks a lot
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