ken mays wrote:

So far, three systems have come to pass which are
impressive for auto porting code to Solaris:

1. Portaris (Gentoo's Portage for Solaris)
2. Nexenta's Autobuilder
3. Blastwave's SVN/builder (maintained by Cory)

There are the others done by NetBSD, OpenPKG, and many
other people porting open software to Solaris.

[I just thought I'd plug the pkgbuild system here in case the JDS developers are too busy/humble to chime in...]

Ken -- another impressive (heavily used and proven) build environment is the Sun GNOME (JDS) ports system based on pkgbuild. It's populated with lots of packages -- including low-level libraries and other stuff that's not necesarily GNOME-specific. They are are maintained in an "auto-porting" source tree and available on It's interesting to note that not all these packages were introduced directly; some needed packages, like Python, were "adopted" by the JDS team from the Companion CD consolidation or the SFW consolidation. (One thing I did a bit of squawking about at Companion CD meetings last summer was why not evaluate using the JDS build environment as a replacement for the CCD build environment?)

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