Even if Sun were to move to just using Fujitsu SPARC-64 chips, they're still 
SPARC, so the U45 is still a good choice.  Obviously Sun is going to go away 
from the US-IIIi processor eventually (I don't think the roadmaps are too 
secret, are they), they've already got the US-IV/US-IV+ and the T1 to replace 

If you want to look at a true Sun Opteron, there the U20 and U40, which you can 
get with up to 2 Opteron 280s.

The existing T1 systems are all server class, but you could look at a low end 
T1000 now that they've been released.  Not too sure the T1 processor is great 
for development/compiling, we had some benchmarks posted earlier that the build 
is not well optimized for heavy parallelism.

You could try rolling your own, which is what most of us have done.  For 2-4k, 
you could roll a really sweet system.
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