On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 03:53:38PM -0700, Erast Benson wrote:
> >   We actually think it would be really valuable for people to be able
> >   to configure an OpenSolaris box from another machine using the same
> >   interface they're accustomed to using on console.  You could
> >   accomplish this with a web-based interface, but that'd be pretty
> >   unfriendly to the original desktop user.
> Why not just to use VNC or similar simple stuff for that matter?

  Setup cost and complexity.  Lack of polish.  Performance.  VNC would
  be more of a workaround than a solution.

> >   Have you ever tried using libscf?  Some sort of layer is needed;
> >   making it a Java layer means it's useful to a much broader audience.
> > 
> >   We actually have two layers: a set of SMF classes, and a layer of
> >   JMX.  This means other management tools can theoretically plug into
> >   what we've done without a lot of additional effort (more importantly,
> >   without needing to duplicate work we've already done).
> If Java would be a part of ON, than it would probably will make sense.
> Until that time, I'm not sure it fits nicely. IMO

  We already ship a variety of Java user interfaces, daemons, and class
  libraries in ON.  I don't see why SMF is any different, nor do I see
  why not having Java in ON vitiates the benefits of providing user and
  programmer interfaces in Java.

  (Bonus points will, of course, go to the first person to reimplement
  the Visual Panels prototype in D, fcode, or a vi macro.)


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