> Sorry, but SXCR build 38 is not won't be made available today. I know
> the team tried very hard to resolve a last-minute legal question, but
> were unable to do it in time for the release today.
> I don't have a definitive date for when 38 will be available, but it
> should be on or before Wed. (5/3).
> Apologies for the late notice on this.

Hey, this is great.  Continual open communications always let's guys like me
know whats going on and that is a lot to ask for and its what you provide.

So .. no sweat .. a pile of people probably busted a gut trying to get the
thing out the door past the land sharks but .. ( insert music from Jaws )
sometimes the shark gets you.

I'm sure it wasn't that dramatic ..   :-)

Dennis Clarke

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