Bill Rushmore wrote:

On Sat, 29 Apr 2006, Darren Reed wrote:

What about organising an article or story on for every SX release or two or three?

Are you volunteering Darren? :-) But seriously I wouldn't mind helping out on this.

I do think this is a great idea...

Me too, definitely count me in.

Regarding Joerg's mention of freshmeat, here's something
Dan Price said about it last August:

= ...
= There is room for lots of meta-data, and projects get a sort of
= "blogroll", featured on the front page:
= All updates get human-reviewed, so the signal to noise is very good.
= Each time I post SX, (ex: last week), we drive ~500 people to the
= solaris express site...
= ...

And taking Dan's lead, a couple months ago I had very good
success experimenting with creating and updating a dummy
project on freshmeat using a ready-made perl script called
fm-submit. The freshmeat submission API is great (think,
KISS), and in addition to the ready-made perl script,
there's one in Python too that the API developers wrote.
I suspect Joerg -- or any other OpenSolaris members who
have projects on freshmeat -- are experienced users of the
API already...

As for Solaris Express, Dan Price has has a freshmeat entry
for it:

(He hasn't had the time to update it of late though).

But in addition to SX, I would think that if we develop a
simple framework, any project with standalone releases of
downloadable code could/should have a freshmeat entry, all
without the project leaders having to do hardly any additional
work. (Of course the ultimate goal should be for the project
infrastructure software to handle updates automatically.)

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