Hello All,

Several communities have had a need for a general purpose Wiki-space where they could sketch out various ideas, concepts, docs, proposal, etc, in a easily accessable and collaborative way. The Genunix Wiki was created (www.genunix.org/wiki/) at the request of the OGB for this purpose (namely for working on the governance drafts). The Wiki, however, is useful far beyond this origonal intent and as a member of the OpenSolaris Docs Community I built out the Wiki to server a variety of purposes.

But just having a Wiki isn't enough. Despite it being available its still not used to its potential, namely because its unclear as to where you should put your stuff. In an attempt to solve this problem I've created the concept of "Community SketchPad's" (http://www.genunix.org/wiki/index.php/SketchPad, or see the Wiki's front page).

A top level SketchPad entry exists to index SketchPad's created for varoius OpenSolaris communities, projects, and other OpenSolaris-releated efforts. Anyone is free to create a SketchPad of their own by simply editing the list on that index page.

The SketchPad concept is simple, a general purpose dumping ground for collaberation. These pages can be as structured or unstructed as you prefer and are ideal for TODO lists that can be edited by anyone that wishes. This frees up Community and Project leaders from constantly needing to manually update static pages on the OpenSolaris.org site and allow people to communicate more quickly and efficiently. For further questions or comments reguarding the Wiki at Genunix.org please contact the OS-Docs community by way of the discussion list. This is just one of a number of ways that we think we can contribute in a positive way to all of OpenSolaris and we hope to provide more in the future.

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