Dave Miner wrote:
Matty wrote:

I don't want to expand upon the issues I face with Solaris 10 (01/06),
considering the nastiness I received on the yahoo mailing list; lets
just say that compared to even Windows XP, the experience as a
workstation 'user' has been less than desirable - any attempt my me in
the past to raise these issues has result in a backlash which has ranged
from abuse, cheap remarks or the deafening sound of silence.

I tend to agree with this as well. I have brought numerous issues up over the years with engineers, Sun sales, and have always been met with the look of death for not accepting Solaris "AS IS." No product is perfect, and as I outlined here:


Solaris has a ways to go to capture a larger install base (this is my opinion, so please no flames). I think the opensolaris movement is awesome, and I truly hope Sun will listen to their constituent when they bring up *good* ideas.

You have some good points in your blog entry, and all I can say is we're trying to address many of them.

With respect to the points around software management, I'll point out that we've published our draft Installation strategy[1] for input, and there'll be more coming around patch management. The Installation and Packaging community is pretty new and more of the code needs to be opened, but we're really trying to do the right thing and there's potential to contribute right now. Come join in, if you can. I think you'll find us very receptive to good ideas.


[1] http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/install/announcements/#2006-03-23_solaris_installation_strategy_review

Hi, Matty ...

Regarding item #8 in your blog, here is some additional information:

We have 51 putbacks from non-Sun community members since we launched last year. Here is the link to the table (which is linked off the front page of the site, but I agree we need to make this more prominent): http://www.opensolaris.org/os/bug_reports/request_sponsor/ Although, these community members didn't literally do the putbacks to the gate themselves, we have a sponsor program in place as an interim solution until we are able to support full access. It's coming, though, and you are welcome to participate in those discussions on the tools list: http://opensolaris.org/jive/forum.jspa?forumID=9

Regarding ARC cases ... two community members (Cyril Plisko, Robert Milkowski) initiated ARC cases and participated in the review process. Both have resulted in putbacks to OpenSolaris, and there is a third in the works from Rich Teer. The intent in the future is to include external community members in the ARC process. For more on the ARC community: http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/

On code reviews ... I know that Dan Price and Steve Lau set up a code review site as an interim solution: http://cr.grommit.com/ Perhaps they can brief you on it (since I'm not that familiar with it, sorry :)).

About your bug ... we are searching for it, but we all know here that our bug tracking system leaves, ah, much to be desired. We're working on this as well. It would help if you could tell us what the bug was about, where you filed it, and where you asked about working on it. In the meantime, you are welcome to work bugs and submit contributions. You can start here: http://opensolaris.org/os/communities/participation/ You can search the database for bite-size bugs, as well as view them on this table: http://www.opensolaris.org/os/bug_reports/oss_bite_size/

Also ... Stephen Hahn offered a development update in his blog recently that may help answer some questions as you become involved: http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/sch?entry=progress_in_open_development

So, although some of this is not a perfect, we've made a great deal of progress. Your voice does matter to us, and we welcome your participation as we build out this infrastructure.

Jim Grisanzio
Community Manager, OpenSolaris

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