Darren J Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Then doesn't that just make the CDDL the very GPL like ?

It would still allow people to use CDDLd sources together with any other
type of code.

> My understanding of the CDDL is that is as deliberately a file based 
> license and as such the clause you request can't be possible because 
> every file is unique.  The whole point of this requirement for CDDL is 
> to allow mixing of open and closed source and picking and choosing at a 
> file level rather than the project level that the GPL requires.   If you 
> don't like that then maybe the GPL (maybe GPLv3) is better suited for 
> your needs.

But this way, the constraint to publish modified versions of the CDDLd parts of
the code would make more sense.

> While I would strongly encourage people to release as much as they can I 
> don't think it is appropriate to change the CDDL to require this.

Just think of someone who takes the ON sources, removes all Makefiles
and later re-published the sources.

Also note that it may be that a distributed version of a modified CDDLd source 
may be useless without having the Makefiles and knowing the compile flags.


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