Out of curiosity where do we stand with Adobe Acrobat Reader for Solaris x86?
On a regular JDS session I can bring up Mozilla and hit some page that suggests that I get the Adobe Acrobat plugin. I click on the "Get the PlugIn" button and that takes me to : http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/browser/plugins.xml Good enough ... I then click on the link for Adobe Acrobat and that takes me to : http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html There is an "unixDropDown" on that page that lists : Select a Unix version... OPTION VALUE="LINUX_.tar.gz">Linux (.tar.gz) OPTION VALUE="LINUX_.rpm">Linux (.rpm) OPTION VALUE="Solaris" SELECTED >Sun Solaris SPARC OPTION VALUE="IBM_AIX" >IBM AIX OPTION VALUE="HP-UX" >HP-UX No Solaris x86 ? Are we able to perhaps influence this to have more up to date software options ? -- Dennis Clarke _______________________________________________ opensolaris-discuss mailing list opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org