>UNIX admin wrote:
>> > There's still an opening in the shared filesystem
>> > space (multi-reader
>> > and multi-writer). Fix QFS, or extend ZFS?
>> That one's a no-brainer, innit? Extend ZFS and plough on.
>Uhm... I think this is not that easy. Based on IRC feedback I think it
>may be difficult to implement the intended features, e.g. storing inodes
>and data on sepeate disks. We had several projects in the past where
>this was the only way to gurantee good performace for realtime data
>collection and processing and due lack of such a feature in ZFS we still
>need QFS...

I'm assuming this means you've measured the performance and found ZFS

I don't get it; zfs is a copy-on-write filesystem, so there should
be no hotspotting of disks and, theoretically, write performance
could be maxed out.

The requirement is not that inodes and data are separate; the requirement
is a specific upperbound to disk transactions.  The question therefor
is not "when will ZFS be able to separate inods and data"; the question
is when ZFS will meet the QoS criteria.

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