>Would a Solaris kernel engineer please be so kind as to translate the 
>following for me:
>the following is just an example parameter, but my question concerns ALL 
>OBSOLETED kernel paramete
rs in Solaris 10 (conceptual question).
>"msgsys:msginfo_msgmni (Solaris 9 Releases)
>Obsolete in the Solaris 10 release."
>Does this mean that
>a) this kernel parameter no longer exists in /etc/system, but can still be 
>tuned manually and will
 affect the performance of a Solaris 10 system
>b) this kernel parameter no longer exists in /etc/system and cannot be tuned 
>as such, but there ar
e other parameters that are related to it and will still need to be considered
>c) this kernel parameter no longer exists and cannot be tuned manually in any 
>c) this kernel parameter is now dynamically calculated / adjusted?
>What does "obsolete" mean in this context?

Of the shared memory /etc/system tunables the following holds for S10:

        - Some have been declared obsolete; they are no longer tunables
          and they are now bounded by physical memory
        - Some are still used but only to derive the settings for new
          kernel resource controls
        - All settings remaining are now dynamically tunable and generally
          converted to resource controls (this mean they can be set per
          project/zone, not just per system)

% rctladm -l
process.max-port-events     syslog=off     [ deny count ]
process.max-msg-messages    syslog=off     [ deny count ]
process.max-msg-qbytes      syslog=off     [ deny bytes ]
process.max-sem-ops         syslog=off     [ deny count ]
process.max-sem-nsems       syslog=off     [ deny count ]
process.max-address-space   syslog=off     [ lowerable deny no-signal bytes ]
process.max-file-descriptor syslog=off     [ lowerable deny count ]
process.max-core-size       syslog=off     [ lowerable deny no-signal bytes ]
process.max-stack-size      syslog=off     [ lowerable deny no-signal bytes ]
process.max-data-size       syslog=off     [ lowerable deny no-signal bytes ]
process.max-file-size       syslog=off     [ lowerable deny file-size bytes ]
process.max-cpu-time        syslog=off     [ lowerable no-deny cpu-time inf 
seconds ]
task.max-cpu-time           syslog=off     [ no-deny cpu-time no-obs inf 
seconds ]
task.max-lwps               syslog=off     [ count ]
project.max-contracts       syslog=off     [ deny count ]
project.max-device-locked-memory syslog=off     [ no-basic deny bytes ]
project.max-port-ids        syslog=off     [ no-basic deny count ]
project.max-shm-memory      syslog=off     [ no-basic deny bytes ]
project.max-shm-ids         syslog=off     [ no-basic deny count ]
project.max-msg-ids         syslog=off     [ no-basic deny count ]
project.max-sem-ids         syslog=off     [ no-basic deny count ]
project.max-crypto-memory   syslog=off     [ no-basic deny bytes ]
project.max-tasks           syslog=off     [ no-basic count ]
project.max-lwps            syslog=off     [ no-basic count ]
project.cpu-shares          syslog=off     [ no-basic no-deny no-signal count ]
zone.max-lwps               syslog=off     [ no-basic count ]
zone.cpu-shares             syslog=off     [ no-basic no-deny no-signal count ]
          replaced by different settings.
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