> I agree that some consolidation and reorganization is
> required for the /dev tree. However, I do believe
> it's important to maintain compatibility. 

There is no doubt about the need to support the existing
device naming system.  If there are changes, they are going
to be incremental. 

> sysadmin's depend on knowing which device is on which
> pci bus, pci slot, or IB cage , etc. It would be nice
> if that trace-ability is not lost. Having generic
> names is nice, but having specific names cXtWWNdXsX
> is kinda handy when swapping a disk or moving a LUN.
> To illustrate this issue.. lets say..
> - 6900 with multiple domains
> - Box is physically in another location
> - Multiple NIC's and HBA's for multipathing
> If I want to know which NIC will be ce0 for
> jumpstarting, this requires some foot work at the
> OBP. 
> So ce0 could be
> PROTECTED] in the OBP,
> which translates to PCI slot 7 on IB6. This
> information will be reflected in /devices. 
> Same situation with HBA's:
> OBP, which translates to PCI slot 6 on IB6. 
> Now multiply this by the number of NIC's and HBA's
> and you have a lot to troubleshoot when something
> goes wrong. The good part is that the information is
> very specific, so I track down a component if I have
> my sunsolve system handbook ready. This is both a
> blessing and a curse. It takes time to track down
> this kind of information. It would be nice to have a
> command to present this information clearly and
> correctly.  Manually tracking it down can be a pain.
> The difficult part is appealing to everyone's tastes.
> Some people depend on very specific info to make
> decisions and to troubleshoot. Other people don't
> want to care about such details because they are on a
> PC. So reaching a balance between the two is
> critical. 
> Are there any examples of how this project could
> change this situation?

What is described here sounds like an integrated
tool that can display/show in one click/comman about
the association of the triplets: "/dev logical name" -
"/devices physical name" - "Sparc OBP name". Today, 
these information sets are scattered around /etc/path_to_inst
file,  /dev namespace, and /devices namespace. Available
tools like prtconf/prtdiag shows part of it.

Developing such a tool is not in the immediate scope
of this project. Can this project help? I would say "yes".
For the minimum, the existing tools can be enhanced/changed
to talk with the /dev filesystem then the /devices filesystem, instead 
of the direct talking to the /devices filesystem. Besides, the /dev
filesystem provides an intercepting point, which can be extended to
resolve the /dev logcial names to an OBP path (on Sparc). 

It will be a good idea to start a new thread tackling the details
of such an effort.

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