Joerg Schilling wrote:
Jim Grisanzio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was talking to the NetBeans guys from Prague at JavaOne, and they are very interested in OpenSolaris and in doing some stuff with our Czech OpenSolaris user group. So, perhaps we -- as communities -- can start collaborating in some way ... at least to meet each other initially and start talking. I don't think Sun has given up on Europe, obviously, but perhaps it's time to make some noise in Europe. To me, "old" markets become "new" markets when you have a new community changing the dynamic and offering options.

There seem to be big interest in Prague but please note that there
are only about 5 Million Czech people while there are 80 Million Germans.

I believe that there is not enough noise about OpenSolaris in Germany.

That's probably true, but it's also true throughout the rest of the world. Which is a good thing because that's our *opportunity* as a community to grow. The OpenSolaris community is leading this effort, which is how it should be. We've accomplished a great deal in our first year, but it takes a long time to change opinions and to educate people and to reach critical mass in terms of perception. How would you suggest we as a community increase the noise in Germany?


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