Congratulations to all of our winners (listed below) and thank you for all of your hard work, passion, and contributions to OpenSolaris this year.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [cab-discuss] Do we have our winners?
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 01:00:10 +0100
From: Simon Phipps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The CAB discussed the nominations at length via private e-mail. To
reach a decision, we clearly had to create our own, additional rules
for the Awards. We have decided the following:
* It would not be appropriate for anyone involved in the awards to
receive an award. The Marketing team agree with this.
* Rather than arbitrarily limiting the list to 20, it would be better
to recognise everyone who was nominated.

The list of Award winners is thus:

Matt Ahrens
Erast Benson
Chandan BN
Jeff Bonwick
Jon Bowman
Bryan Cantrill
Derek Cicero
Dennis Clark
Alan Coopersmith
Bonnie Corwin
James Dickens
Alan DuBoff
Danek Duvall
Sam Faulkner
Tim Foster
Moinak Ghosh
Teresa Giacomini
Brendan Gregg
Jim Grisanzio
Joey Guo
Stephen Hahn
Rainer Heilke
Glenn Herteg
Frank Hofmann
Sarah Jelinek
Jurgen Keil
Mike Kupfer
Stephen Lau
Adam Leventhal
Rich Lowe
Robert Milkowski
Dave Miner
Masayuki Murayama
Michelle Olsen
Rainer Orth
Cyril Plisko
Stephen Potter
Sumitha Prashanth
Liane Praza
Karyn Ritter
Ben Rockwood
Joerg Schilling
Eric Schrock
Greg Shaw
Lisa Week
Keith Weslowski
Ginnie Wray
Chen Xiangqun
Xiang Yong

Our congratulations to all the winners; it's been an amazing year and
the contributions you have all made have been essential to the growth
of the OpenSolaris community.

Simon Phipps, Chief Open Source Officer, Sun Microsystems
Tel:  +1 650 352 6327/USx69758  Web:,  AIM: webmink
Current timezone: UTC+1 (UK)

On Jun 15, 2006, at 00:39, Sara Dornsife wrote:

It's time.
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