On 6/17/06, Ben Rockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
James Dickens wrote:

> All 5 current distrobutions are currently handicaped. There are lack
> the ability of including close bits that are included by Solaris
> Express. Untill everything is open it has advantages that no other
> distrobution can have why not include what the community has created.

Handycapped how?  I'm not sure what it is that you want in a distro that
isn't already available in the open.

all the distro currently have to hack things like  zones and brandz
support because sun isn't ready to release all the details also some
hardware drivers are not availible for redistrobution outside of a
Sun product.

> What if Sun isn't the one that does it, but the community as a whole
> votes on what it wants, will Sun allow us to submit a request to
> incdude what the Community wants in its special "community release"

By your words, Sun IS the one doing it, the community simply would be
applying pressure.

well i was hoping it wouldn't be so blunt i'm talking about maybe a
dozen community chosen and created packages that would be added to the
dvd, to make users experience much nicer and perhaps help Solaris gain
more users.

We all want things to go, not just into SX:CR, but into S10 Updates as
well.  Everyones list is diffrent.  Thats where distros really shine,
because each caters to a diffrent group of people.  Even still, yes,
there are some things that aren't open yet, sometimes thats an issue,
many times its not.  Lord knows I want desprately to make Enlightenment
a standard part of the install,  I've got my list too.

One way to resolve this is to create downloadable "Booster Packs"; your
own CCD if you will.  People could download all the things you want and
install them on top of the OS without having to integrate through the
development procedures.  I did such a thing with SIDEkick.

so we have to tell our users that they need to download another iso or
tarball, lots of users are allready balking at the 5 cd's that make up
opensolaris now.

Changing just SX:CR isn't without its potential problems and its a lot
of work.  If we, in the community, can do all that work and Sun just
needs to give a thumbs up or down, I'm willing to join such an effort.
However, if we're just going to use apply pressure untill it happens,
forcing the work on someone else, I'm not.

its no more change than adding postgres was. Most of the time bug
reports are submitted from boxes running 90% of what i'm sudgesting.
Just trying to make the users experience a bit more friendly. Not
trying to change anything major just installing apps that are quite
common to the community, 3rd party hardware drivers, dtrace toolkit,
perhaps in the future by doing it this way we might even get companies
like adobe to support us better knowing they can ask add there beta
software to opensolaris and have to advertise it and convince people
to download it.

James Dickens

In the (hopefully) very near future there will be ways to make proposals
like this through solid channels within our OpenSolaris community so
that there is a bit more order.


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