
I noticed this little bug recently too. It's very annoying. I'll have
to check if its still in vermillion builds or not. 


--- Rich Teer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, here's a weird one.  For the longest time, gaim on Nevada
> worked fine for me.  Then, sometime around build 28, it stopped
> working, and it couldn't find any plugins (so the Protocol field
> on the account dialogue was blank)--I think this concided with
> the switch from version 0.9x to 1.x.  I shrugged it off as a
> temporary bug.
> I posted about it here (or possibly comp.unix.solaris) a bit later,
> but people said that they had no problem with it.
> Fast forward to today, after I installed Nevada build 41.  I try
> again;
> still busted.  Then I try using my wife's login--lo and behold, it
> worked!
> Using truss, I noticed my wife's gaim process was running
> /usr/bin/gaim,
> whereas mine was running /bin/gaim.  On hunch, I tried running
> /usr/bin/gaim
> rather than relying on exec() to expand my $PATH get to /bin/gaim
> first,
> and it worked!
> So the question is: WTF is going on, and is this a bug?
> -- 
> Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member
> President,
> Rite Online Inc.
> Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
> URL: http://www.rite-group.com/rich
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