
I can't comment on the issue below, but 118844-27 has been obsoleted, and the current rev is 118844-30 - is there a specific reason that you need to use -27?

- F.

Ray Moazeni wrote:
I am not able to use jumpstart to install 's10 + 118844-27' in one step without 
user interaction.  We have to do it in three steps: install s10 (from jumpstart 
server) + reboot + manually install the 118844-27 and its pre-req patches.

Here is the steps I followed:
1) Start a jumpstart installation on the system
2) After the installation is done, run the following on the shell command line 
that you will get.  The root disk of the file system is mounted on /a directory.

    - mkdir /tmp/patches
    - mount <server>:<path to patches> /tmp/patches
    - cd /tmp/patches
    - patchadd -R /a <for all the pre-req patches of 118844-27>
    - patchadd -R /a 118844-27

You will see an error indicating 'gzip:  not found'.  It does not complain that 
the patch installation failed.  After rebooting the system, the system will not 

If you do not install any of the above patches, the system can boot 

Can you please advise....

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