RE : SVOSUG - Postgres & Solaris/OpenSolaris

  Alan DuBoff setup a toll free call-in for those of us in remote areas
 and I was able to flop out comfortably and listen to the presentation
 about PostgreSQL on the Solaris 10 Update 2 release.  This was just
 great and I want to thank Alan for the dial in opportunity.

  The presentation sounded very interesting and as a big fan of PostgreSQL
 I was very happy to hear about the work that is happening with Niagara
 based machines.

 At this point I think I will write subthing more substantial than a simple
 "how to" and publish it at blastwave.  A basic "getting started" may be
 very helpful and maybe some table joins and SQL examples.  I think that
 there will be a whole hog migration in the future from Oracle and DB2
 over to PostgreSQL based on what I heard tonight.  I have already been
 asked to analyze a Lotus Domino based business application and begin a
 migration plan to PostgreSQL on Solaris x86.  This is great progress.

 Thank you Alan, that was great.

Dennis Clarke

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