On Jul 1, 2006, at 5:29 PM, Boyd Adamson wrote:

Cool, I'm trying this now with Solaris 10 6/06 on my new 17" MBP with the release version of parallels. I'll report later to see if it works, but so far, it's father down the road than it was without the additional option.

I haven't tried with Sol10 06/06 but I can report that build 41 of Nevada works fine with this fix in place. I did have to make sure that the kernel command is edited for every boot, including boot from the installed image. Once the new installation is up you can, of course, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to avoid having to do this manually every time.

Ok, I got 6/06 to boot and install. I haven't played with X or the network card yet, but it does seem that you cannot get Solaris to boot when you are using AirPort (wireless) networking on the Mac (like I was on my MBP).

When I was trying the other day, I was on AirPort. When I tried yesterday, I was wired in to the ethernet port. Strange. Thanks to my coworker Lloyd for some ideas on getting it working.

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