> Please refer to standards(5) manual page (on Solaris
> 10, preferably).

Wow.  It doesn't happen every day that someone tells ME to refer to a man page, 
and in Solaris, no less. Thanks, I learned something new.

> Nope, that is not the point of the thread.  The point
> is that there 
> exists a legitimate, not rare use-case which
> standards don't cover.

I banalized your problem, which, if I understood it correctly, was to port 
Asterisk PBX to Solaris.

The point I've made is that whoever wrote the build scripts should've used 
`expr`, like they teach you to in school. I guess someone wasn't paying 
attention during shell scripting class.

I'm all for standards, especially POSIX, but not when it doesn't encompass the 
solution to the problem, as is the case here.
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