On Sat, 2006-07-15 at 12:06 -0700, Philip Brown wrote:
> > > Dthello*string:         Welcome to the GNOME Desktop Environment
> > 
> > This file has been in use (under changeable names) since GNOME 1.4,
> > 5 years ago, so it well pre-dates JDS.
> yes, and i'm sure one of the old names was
> "Xinitrc.gnome" ;-)

Hmm... actually, that's probably the one we never used, because
Ximian GNOME used it.  We had the version number and unfortunately
even the build number[1] in the file name, which caused some problems...

> Personally, I think that the best result would be to just keep it as
> "Welcome to GNOME", and toss out the whole "jds" marketing facade...
> but oh well :-)

No comment (;


[1] because at that time it was possible to install more than one build
   of GNOME on the same system.  E.g. /opt/gnome-1.4,
   /opt/gnome-1.4-debug, /opt/gnome-2.0...

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