> Now before we get into some diatribe about Solaris 10
> and Solaris Nevada I
> just want to point out that this friend of mine has
> been working with
> Microsoft Windows and Linux and Novell Netware for a
> long long time.  He was
> anything but impressed.  He could care less about the
> difference between
> Solaris 10 Update 2 and snv_b42a.  He wanted a
> production grade world class
> OS as well as ZFS to explore.

I'd put people like your friend on digging canals and doing construction work.  
How can anybody with half of a brain conclude that something is "broken" just 
because the menu comes up in text mode?

That friend of yours probably never heard of ALOM, RSM, CMS and the like.  What 
does that have to do with anything?  Well the "splash screen" doesn't show up 
over serial lines in a lights out management environment, so the first thing to 
do is to SHUT IT OFF.

Based on what you described here, I honestly do not believe your friend wanted 
a "production grade world class OS as well as ZFS to explore".  He wouldn't 
know what to do with either, even if both of them hit him square in the face.  
It's construction yard for him, like a lot of people that landed in the IT 
industry in the last ten years, he does not appear to be computer science 
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