On 20 Jul 2006, at 06:16, W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

Strange - the impression I got at from the Linux
people at the
Desktop Developer's Conference this week was that Red
Hat was
considered more Java-friendly, with
Novell/SuSE/Ximian being
seen as too eager to jump on the Mono/.NET bandwagon.
the Red Hat employees pointed out they are now the
 4th largest
Java company" since the purchase of JBoss, though
that's server
side, not desktop.)

-- -Alan Coopersmith-

Fedora doesn't even come with java in the iso. I guess your info is totally wrong.

Fedora doesn't ship with Java for the same reason many distros choose not to... its perceived "non-freeness". Certainly all the Red Hat dudes we work with in the GNOME community are pretty Java-friendly, and especially towards their paying RHEL customers. (They're particularly keen on gcj, or were for a while anyway.)


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]            Java Desktop System Team
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