I have DL385 after upgrade to Solaris 6/6 my server begun hang up after "init 
6"or reboot. Every time after reboot I could se a message at RAID controler 
that some “data” is there and it needs to pushed ... Crap!!.. Power off always 
clean that cache or Crap. I fixed new BIOS firmware(BIOS Configuration: HP A05 
03/01/2006) from HP and that helps me only a little, but every third time my 
server hung up. But I saw that before hang up, RAID tried access HD and then 
stop. I had some little info in my log likes “.. genunix: [ID 935449 
kern.notice]      ATA DMA off: disabled by prop ata-dma-enabled ..

So I put next to grub -> ata-dma-enabled=0, now it works.
I made 9 times reboot without “hang up”. 

 kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot -v -B ata-dma-enabled=0

It means that HP DL385 has ACPI's major fuc* up error.
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