
I tried to install solaris 10 on a T2000 boxes (T1 8 cores,32
multi-threading CPU) in recent days, after installation, I tried dladm to
test the 802.3 link aggregation,but failed, error msg is :

bash-3.00# dladm create-aggr -d ipge0 -d ipge1 1
dladm: create operation failed: No such file or directory (invalid interface

bash-3.00# dladm show-link
ipge0           type: legacy    mtu: 1500       device: ipge0
ipge1           type: legacy    mtu: 1500       device: ipge1
ipge2           type: legacy    mtu: 1500       device: ipge2
ipge3           type: legacy    mtu: 1500       device: ipge3

Anyone can give me a hint?

p.s. if I configurate the link aggregation successfully, can I configurate
the several zones on this new aggregated link? just like ipge1:1....ipge1:n?



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