
> "The exact version of GCC to be bundled" is an exhausting topic.
> We can decide on the final GCCfss/gcc version latter.

indeed :-)

> That's why the proposal is named "support GCCfss and gcc 4 in ON"
> I believe that the set of changes we have for ON will be equally useful
> for any gcc 4.x version. Both sparc and x86. That's the main point.
> That's why this topic was started. Whatever version is chosen
> this work would need to be done anyway.
> So, can I get "+1" since that's what policy to start the project requires ?

Sure, both for the GCCfss (and eventually gcc 4.x) integration into sfw or
companion, and the ON support.

> After that the plan is:

Sounds good.


Rainer Orth, Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld University
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