> > Any worries about new CPUs from Intel that are
> > supposed to
> > be more competitive on price, performance, low
> power
> > than
> > they have recently been compared to AMD?
> Does this mean Dell is canceling their unreleased
>  AMD productline? 
> ---Bob

I don't know, but I am always suspicious about benchmark results using a chip 
that has 4MB cache.  Even if you believe there may be some merits in the 
results, ramping up will be difficult and expensive.  OTOH, as Dell's Taiwanese 
ODM suppliers have been making and stock piling Athlon64-based desktops and 
notebooks, I don't see how Dell could/would "cancel their unreleased AMD 
productline".  (In fact, the rumor has it that Dell will begin mass-marketing 
their AMD productline when the school starts.)

In the server market, as far as I have been exposed to, Opteron has assumed an 
essentially unchallengeable position.  (Following Sun's footsteps, IBM is going 
to make an announcement "to expand line of AMD-based servers" tomorrow.)

While Sun is now taking advantage of its lead in developing Opteron-based 
systems ("Sun has a two-year head start and an even longer real-world advantage 
over Big Blue's x64 Opteron. Big Blue can't match up, let alone catch up, to 
Sun's awesome AMD-based systems,"said Sun's senior vice president and strategic 
insights officer), it is IMHO undisputable that AMD owes its success (and even 
its survival) to Sun's early unqualified endorsement of the Opteron processors.

Now that AMD is going to own ATI, it seems, again IMHO, the least AMD could do 
(in returning what Sun has done for AMD) is to provide (and more important, 
optimize--making them as best as possible) Solaris drivers for ATI graphic 
chips and ATI chipsets.
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