Khalid wrote:
I applied some patches last night by using update manager and now my system 
would not boot.  I am new to solaris and not sure what to do next.  I have 
tried using failsafe and was able to update the boot archives but thats about 
it.  It still would not boot.  Is there any way I can back out of the patches.

Was this the most recent kernel patch (118855-15) on a system with the Nvidia graphics driver and an Nvidia graphics card?

If so, I've seen the same thing, on a system still running the version of the Nvidia drivers that came with S10 1/06.

You can recover by installing the latest (newer) drivers from In order to do this you'll either need to boot from CDROM (or, probably in failsafe mode with the drivers on a burned CD).

Or, in my case, booting the system with a non-Nvidia console framebuffer allowed the system to boot as-is, after which the drivers could be reinstalled.

You *may* also be able to remove the patch with "patchrm 118855-15" (or alternative patch number) or removing the drivers with "pkgrm NVDAgraphics NVDAgraphicsr", booting, and then installing the new ones.

Of course it could also be something else...

 The only problem is that I do not know the patches names which are causing 
this probelm.

To see which patches were installed when, use:   ls -lt /var/sadm/patch

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