
On 7/31/06, Jerry K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have certainly wondered the same.

I am currently running Solaris 10 on Sparc with the Openwin packages installed
from Solaris 8 with no problems.  I don't know if something similar would be
possible using binaries from Solaris 2.5.1 PPC?

Solaris 2.5.1 PowerPC Edition was little endian. Polaris OTOH, aims
big endian environment. I am not aware of a method to combine big and
little endian executable code in the same process image. It also seems to
me that supporting monolith little endian process image on top of the
big endian kernel would be a pain in the neck, if at all possible.

Bottom line - I wouldn't count on old Solaris PPC packages. I think one
still can find XView sources and build them on modern system. As for
OpenLook toolkit - I am not sure its source is available.

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