> Thanks Jim,
> How do we go about managing these 'rogue' accounts?
> Do we have some sort of warning (3 strikes and your
> out.) or do we just boot them straight away?

We have a website policy stating, "The content on the site and within the 
site's mail lists should consist of only relevant information and discussion 
about OpenSolaris," but we don't say how quickly we'll toast an account for 
violations of the policy. I guess we forgot about that. Not very good cops, I 
suppose. :) It really hasn't been a problem, though, and we really try to be as 
flexible as possible. With obvious extreme examples and bots, we suspend the 
account right away. Others we give the benefit of the doubt and send some mail 
(which is usualy ignored, obviously). Derek and the guys have build a fine 
system here, so very little garbage gets through. 

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