Erast Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> CDDL vs. GPL issue is no longer a concern for Nexenta project. The main
> licensing conflict has been resolved during the first GPLv3 draft
> discussion. Both sides SUN and FSF agreed that the way Nexenta and
> Solaris(!) links GPL software with CDDL is totally OK. Please consider
> the rest of claims to Nexenta/Solaris as a FUD and disregard it (this is
> what Debian leaders told us).
> cdrecord project licensing concerns are different and has little to do
> with Nexenta (other than Debian community).

There is no real difference between what happens on Nexenta and what happens in 

In both cases, GPLd code uses CDDLd libraries in a way that definitely does not
make the CDDLd libraries a "derived work" from GPLd code.

But you are correct with the fact that people from Debian are spreading FUD
against the CDDL and combinations of CDDL & GPL code for whatever reason.


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