Kuldip Oberoi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Joerg,
> There are a few methods to provide feedback to the product team:
> *
> 1. Sun Developer Service Plans/Sun Support Services Plans ($$)*
>    developers.sun.com/services
> This offers the official bug escalation process.
> *2. Bug Submittal (free)*
>    http://bugs.sun.com
> Report a bug.  The team will see it, but it will not necessarily be 
> escalated for a priority fix.
> In addition, there are a few additional mechanisms for support:
> *
> 3. Sun Developer Expert Assistance ($)*
>    http://developers.sun.com/services/expertassistance/
> Incident level support- help review flags, etc.
> *
> 4. Sun Studio forums (free)*
>    http://developers.sun.com/prodtech/cc/community/
> Community forums.
> Of courses, in all cases, it is helpful to have example code, makefile, 
> etc. to help illustrate the issue.

Well, I did already send a pointer to the sample code (it is in cdrtools).
and I did make a report but I did never receive any feedback.


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
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