On 8/30/06, Alan Coopersmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Josh Hurst wrote:
> I agree with you that the discussion should end here and how, however
> only if Sun (including Dan Price) is willing to honor what I call "the
> original deal" which includes the integration into ON and not SFW.
> It is not a sign of trustworthiness when one side decides to change
> the business contract  - even one conduced by spoken words only - in
> an unilateral manner at the end of the project.

There is no contract or deal here.   Roland asked for the opportunity to
start a project to integrate ksh93 into OpenSolaris, and he has been
granted that request by the OpenSolaris community (*NOT* Sun).   No one
ever promised that the end result would be taken into ON, SFW, or any
other code base, just that we'd provide Roland the opportunity to work on

Why should anyone start new projects If there is no guarantee that
projects are actually considered for inclusion?

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