Gino Ruopolo wrote:

>>> This fix solves only boot hang?
>>> Our DL585 S10U2 hangs after about 3-4 hours of
>> uptime also ...
>> The fix for CR 6451513 addresses the boot-hang only;
>> the run-time hang 
>> needs to be
>> investigated independently.
> We are unable to investigate more ... hangs happens
> after about 4 hours. Nothing on the logs, nothing on the console. Hangs
> happens with server idle or busy.

A number of us have been pretty busy putting a box around this
hang; we seem to have made a bit of progress and have a possible
work-around to test.

Add the following line to /etc/system and reboot:

  set cpu\.AuthenticAMD\.15:ao_scrub_rate_dram = 0

I expect you will no longer see the hang.  If you still see
the hang, also add the following two lines and reboot:

  set cpu\.AuthenticAMD\.15:ao_scrub_rate_dcache = 0
  set cpu\.AuthenticAMD\.15:ao_scrub_rate_l2cache = 0

If you try this workaround, please email me with the results
of your attempt, whether adding the first line was adequate or not, etc.

We appreciate this has been frustrating; we may be very close to a

Thanks -

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