> Dennis Clarke wrote:
>>>1) make sure you kill all gconfd-2 processes
>>>2) log in as root on the console and rm -rf /var/tmp/*-dclarke
>>I thought I was doing well ... but no ..
>>I currently have a background splash image .. and _nothing_ else.
>>A click on any mouse button does nothing.
>>I waited and waited and waited ... nope .. nothing ever happens
>>except the screen goes black and the xscreensaver kicked in.
>>Not good.
>>I login as some other user remotely and ps-ef says this :
> You don't appear to have any of the gnome bits running.  Can you start
> gnome-panel by hand?
> This problem probably belongs on the desktop list, that's where the JDS
> folks lurk.
> Cheers,

I'll go looking for that list and stop poluting this one


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