Simon Phipps wrote:

> On Sep 9, 2006, at 14:15, Martin Bochnig wrote:
>>>> SUNW breaks the law, because they themselves offer the Distro-JDK  for
>>>> download and are therefore themselves "Distro-JDK distributors":
>>> No, Sun is not bound by its own redistribution licenses so it does  not
>>> break the law.  It owns the JDK so it can distributes it as it sees
>>> fit.
>>> Casper
>> A question of good moral in a community ??
> Well, in a perfect world we would spot all the issues as we 
> transition from the old world to the new, but everyone is a fallible 
> human including all the community members who happen to work for Sun. 
> All of us with the responsibility for the process of making Solaris 
> turn into OpenSolaris are aware of this issue around the libraries 
> now that you and others have kindly highlighted it. It is 
> unintentional, unfortunate and temporary. My apologies.
> Casper's comment is a statement of fact but does not illuminate 
> intent. I'm sure there will be other similar oversights in the 
> future, but our intent is a transparent, open community with all 
> community members able to act as equally as the law allows. We'll get 
> there!
> S.

Dear Mr. Simon Phipps,

did I already find the solution ??
Did/does it exist for years?

""If you want to use the shared-library version of libCstd and/or
libiostream you have two options:

   1. Distribute the SUNWlibC patch with your product, or
   2. require your customers to download the latest SUNWlibC patch from
      a Sun web site, such as The patch is
      free, and is freely re-distributable""

The "freely redistributable patch" from "option 1." does include all the
*desired* libraries, plus more.
What are we then actually talking about?!

I really don't understand this world anymore, sorry: No, No, No-no-No,
YES No, huhh??
Please advise.

Martin Bochnig
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