On Tue, 26 Sep 2006, Mike Pleasance wrote:

I'm currently stumped with the problem of mounting a fixed disk with a single 
FAT32 partition (created by vxWorks) using Solaris 8 for Sparc.

We have been in contact with Sun and were simply told that, "Creating and mounting a pcfs on a sparc-based fixed disk is not supported." In fact, as I understand it, nothing (except formatting) can be done with a fixed disk that does not have a solaris label present. This causes a problem because both vxWorks and Windows expect the Fat32 MBR to reside at sector 0.

Could you please privately contact me about this ? If that's verbatim what you've been told, then no that's not correct, there is mount_pcfs(1m), mkfs_pcfs(1m) and others, and have been in Solaris "ever" (yes, before SunOS 5). You can use and/or create FAT filesystems on Solaris.

Btw, terminology nitpicking:
There's no such thing as a FAT32 MBR. There's an MBR, and there's a FAT32 BPB. They're not the same. If a FAT BPB resides at sector 0 then the disk is unpartitioned. Otherwise, the MBR resides at sector 0, and the FAT BPB at whatever the start sector of the corresponding partition (as per entries in the MBR) is ...

Using PCFS:

On SPARC, you'd try "mount -F pcfs /dev/dsk/cXtYdZs2:[drive_letter] /mnt" (for example - see manpage to mount_pcfs for more) to mount a FAT filesystem. If the disk is already partitioned with a PC-style partition table, then "mkfs -F pcfs -o fat=32 /dev/dsk/cXtYdZs2:[drive_letter]" would create a FAT32 filesystem on the given PC partition for you, even on SPARC.

Again, "has ever been like this". There are bugs (lots of) in PCFS and its utilities on Solaris 8 that might result in you not being able to access "good" FAT filesystems though you should be able to, we've fixed a huge amount of these for OpenSolaris. If you fail on Solaris 8, it might well make sense to try Solaris Express, one of the OpenSolaris Distributions, or a self-built BFU from recent OpenSolaris sources.

The only problem that you can encounter on SPARC are "clean" disks, i.e. that don't have a PC partition table. There is no utility on SPARC to create one (fdisk(1m) is Solaris/x86 only). And PCFS and its utilities rely on the presence of a PC-style partition table (you can create a filesystem on an unpartitionied disk but might not be able to mount that on a Windows machine then ...). But as you say above that the disk _is_ partitioned, that cannot be the issue.

Does anyone have any tricks on how to accomplish this, or is it simply 
impossible like we have already been told?

What about modifying the sd/ssd driver using opensolaris code?  Would it be 
possible for us to build a new driver that we could run on Solaris 8 that allow 
a disk without the solaris label to be mounted?

No need. Should be possible without. That said, you're interested in working on sd and/or partitioning support issues ? Please give us your input - there's work going on in this area, started with the cmlb (common labeling) layered driver that went into OpenSolaris a few months ago, and yes the underlaying idea why cmlb was created is to eventually abstract "label" (PC partitioning, EFI, GPT, Solaris VTOC, ... ?) support from the target driver(s) into cmlb.

Any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated!

As said, can you please send me direct mail ? Thanks !


Mike Pleasance

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