Hi Ulrich,

>>Dear all,
>>I have problems connecting an open solaris 10 box to a novell linux ldap
>>server (or better say: I am a newbie on this stuff and am confused about
>>the right configuration).

That is not unusual! This configuration is also not that simple.

>>(Do I need these two files since I have /opt/csw/etc/ldap.conf ?)

Yes. The LDAP client must first bind to the directory before information
can be accessed and the stored information has to be returned in a
format that the Solaris OS utilities can use. When an LDAP client boots,
two configuration files are read. One file, /var/ldap/ldap_client_cred,
contains the client's credentials and describes how authentication is to
take place. The other file, /var/ldap/ldap_client_file, locates LDAP
servers and sets various configuration parameters.

>>'svcs -a | grep ldap' gives this:
>>offline        11:23:08 svc:/network/cswopenldap:default
>>maintenance    11:23:11 svc:/network/ldap/client:default
> That second one is your problem.

What does svcs -x report (I am referring to the log file here)?

> How did you create the files in /var/ldap ?

You do not need to create these files, they are created automatically
for you.

> Does a simple ldapsearch against the directory server work from
> Solaris - this doesn't use the config in /var/ldap but at least
> ensures that the LDAP protocol can work between your Solaris machine and
> the directory server.

Now, along with eDirectory (which is what I presume you are using
)installation, Novell Modular Authentication System (NMAS), also needs
to be installed and configured. NMAS is required for supporting
alternate password storage mechanisms like UNIX™ crypt, SHA-1, MD5 etc.
in eDirectory. After the eDirectory installation and configuration,
install the NMAS objects and configure the SimplePassword method. This
method enables eDirectory to handle the encrypted user passwords
generated by UNIX systems.

Extend the eDirectory schema installed on the machine to provide the
LDAP directory services. This is to enable eDirectory to provide the
required services.

eDirectory schema should be extended with the following schema:

1. NIS schema: The NIS schema defined by rfc2307.txt enables eDirectory
for storing the NIS related information.

2.Solaris schema: The Solaris schema defined by Sun enables eDirectory
to store information relevant to the Solaris operating environment and
the services provided by Solaris.

3.DUAConfSchema: The DUAConfSchema defined by Sun, enables eDirectory to
store information relevant to the profiles of the workstations. This
information will enable the new workstations to download already
existing profiles from the LDAP directory.

Configuring Solaris workstation using ldapclient:

The steps involved in setting up ldapclient on Solaris are as follows:

In order for a Solaris client to use LDAP directory as a naming service
the following needs to be in place:

- The clients domain name must be hosted by the LDAP directory
- The nsswitch.conf file needs to point to LDAP for the required services.
- The client needs to be configured with all the given parameters that
define its behavior.
- ldap_cache_mgr needs to be running on the client.
- At least one server for which a client is configured must be up and

I can give you additional information if required and can send you in a
seperate email.

Hope this helps.

Best regards

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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