Darren J Moffat wrote:
No you don't. If you want to upgrade from one Solaris Express release to another you can use live upgrade by just using lofiadm and mount to make the iso install image available.

I was under the distinct impression that the discussion was in
the context of bfu archives, hence the comment.

The update_nonON stuff can't possibly ever work outside of Sun and is really only for people who are using bfu but want to grab updated bits from other consolidations. It has nothing to do with Solaris Express releases.

Actually, I did manage to get the update_* scripts to work outside
of SWAN.

On reviewing the thread I see I was incorrect in my assumptions about
the context. The update_* scripts are still very useful though and I
don't think it would be difficult to make the public.


James C. McPherson
Solaris kernel software engineer, system admin and troubleshooter
Find me on LinkedIn @ http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamescmcpherson

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